Sunday, February 1, 2009

Kentucky Roast Chicken...

Simmer Till Done has a great blog. New post today, 7 things you'd rather not see on a food blog
Raw chicken was one of them. I had to laugh. I did.
I knew I had this chicken post waiting in the wings,
(HA i love my puns, wings, get it? chicken wings?)
I'm taking that challenge.
I think I give good raw chicken.
In fact I liked my raw chicken so much its the lead photograph for this post.
Thanks Simmer.....another excuse to post yet another roast chicken recipe~!
And well........
It's Sunday.

You're wondering ...
how many roast chicken recipes is this girl going to post.
I understand. I do.
I have a thing for roast chicken.
I wouldn't call it an obsession.
I might call it a hobby.

I cooked this for my parents when I was home (Kentucky) a year ago.
I came across it this morning, and thought how perfect,
its Sunday, its chicken, its roasted.

Bernie and Miss Peggy Lu are rained in, I should say iced in.
A few of my friends need a little cheering up.
And well.... BI is up to her ears in baseball bats.
Congrats girl on the new batting cages~!

Sometimes all it takes is a good meal to make everything better.
Feeding you all is what I do best.

There's not much to it and that's okay.


A fresh chicken, rinsed and patted dry.
chicken 2
set aside


The Vegetables

Chop the vegetables in large enough pieces
so they aren't going to mush out by the time the chicken is done roasting.
vegetables 6
Drizzle with olive oil and salt & pepper.
Toss so they are coated evenly.


The chicken.

Rub the chicken with oil,
salt and pepper inside and out, generously.
chicken 1

Set the chicken upside down on top of the vegetables.
I used high heat when roasting this chicken.
(*450for about an hour give or take until the juices run clear,
the leg pulls easily,
the internal temperature reaches 165 *F)
Listen, there are several trains of thought on roasting.
Do I have a preference between low and slow and high and fast?
Both work well.
It all depends on my mood.

I also cook my chickens upside down.
I want the fat juices to drip down into the breast.
Juicy white meat. It never fails.
I can't cook a chicken right side up anymore.

The Cooks Word:
These digital thermometers are handy little gadgets and relatively inexpensive.
You probe your meat, set the desired temp and an alarm goes off when it's reached.
I found an inexpensive one at Walmart.



Kathleen Bade said...

LOL I started this with Simmer Till Done, seems I'm going to have to open comments for this one!
And I was trying to be so blog pure.

Fun playing with you Simmer......grinning

Anonymous said...

A little commentary never hurt. Love that chicken!

Sally said...

Morning Kate. I, too, came through Simmer. Love the photographs and I've been trying to read through some of your other posts. (I like what you said about having a date and not speaking. I totally *get* that.)

One comment, if I may be so bold - the small, white lettering on the black background is extremely hard to read (especially with old eyes). Would it be possible, maybe, to make the letters a stitch bigger? I don't mean to criticize, really I don't. I would like to read more, but it strains my eyes too much.

Kathleen Bade said...

Sally I surely can make the font larger. Truth is I wear reading glasses when I type so it looks bigger.....

Maryilyn thnx for a fun day in blog world!

Just Cook It said...

Saw this on Simmer, just had to say how fantastic the shot is.

Kathleen Bade said...


humbly I say thank you.

Good light, real good light, that's all.

Becca said...

"A naked turkey sprouting parsley. I defy you to photograph this tastefully."

Now you did some pretty nakey chicken, but can you do turkey?! I think she was laying out a challenge....

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