Friday, June 11, 2010

Best Birthday Ever!

I would be remiss if I didn't pay homage to the friends
who helped me celebrate my birthday.  It was a grand time indeed.
I haven't laughed so hard for so many hours straight as I did that day.

Becca, rallied the troops.
I rallied Joshy.
We spent the day at my lake place,
which was a wonderful birthday gift in and of itself.

Eric kept us in tears all day all night.
I thought to record the laughter,
it was indescribable, as were the conversations.
Probably best that I didn't.
By the time we made to the tent to sleep,
my stomach hurt, my cheeks hurt, my head hurt
from laughing so much. It took another hour for
us to settle our chuckles into snores. No it took almost
two.  Like gradeschool kids, who know they are supposed
to be quiet in the library, but can't stop laughing.

I will never forget this birthday as long as I live.


Joshy, you have no idea how it
warms my heart when your mom
says your sister is on the phone.


In the last few years we've had
more adventures than most people
do in a lifetime.


Thank you for the roses.
Four dozen.  Man that only
happens in movies.  You make
it happen in life. Baby brother you got class.

you already know girl.


I sit here without words.
You are a treasure that
stretches far beyond any
verbs or adjectives
I could conjure up.



I have a feeling you always do.
It wouldn't have been the same without you.
I'd insert a smartass remark right here
but I think it's best I don't....PDLM.
oops I just did. You are the baitcaster backlash MASTER.

Liz and Josh,


we said it that night
I'll say it again, so glad that you
joined in on the festivities, both of you.
Liz, don't be scared of the Beastie boyz.
(inside joke) am laughing.

Kasandra and CC, yeh I really want
to post a you sleep
in my bed I photograph you in my bed.
Am so glad you guys made it up for the birthday bash,
was nice coming home to find you two here.

Who gets a birthday filled with laughter,
water pong, rainbows, charlie's angels,
(what is it when three girls get together
they have to do the C.A. pose?), jumping
in the lake while the boys take the 3 hour tour?!





With all of my heart,

Thank YOU.

I always ask birthday people what have you learned,
you're a year older you must have learned something...

If I say I learned it's about living life not just
surviving it...well, I learned that one a long time ago.

Life is awesome.

: )

One Love. One Peace. Always and all ways.


Becca said...

Kate, your birthday was probably the most fun I've had in a year. And I've had some adventures in that time :)

Laughing until I cried, jumping in the lake, yelling at Gus...oh wait that wasn't me....causing some amazing backlash...yea, that was definately me....

For you girl, I will always rally the troops. I would fly around the world a hundred times just to spend one afternoon with you! You are just that precious to me.

Let's be sure to celebrate the everyday with just as much zeal and love for life! For Reals, we rocked it :)

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