Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Seth's Brisket

I'm on a brisket binge.
This recipe will not disappoint.
I've had it for a year and I'm kicking myself
for waiting this long to make it.



1 medium to large first cut brisket

6 or so cloves of garlic minced

4 medium onions sliced

4 cans of Rokeach tomato sauce

4 to 5 white potatoes quartered (can be any type of small potato, red bliss, fingerlings etc)



[I went with noodles instead of potatoes]

1) coat the brisket with the garlic and put in fridge overnight

2) preheat oven to 350
in a roasting pan place one can of the sauce; 
one can of water on the bottom of the pan with the onions then the brisket

3) take remaining cans of sauce and add to roasting pan (also diluted 1 to 1)
...sauce should cover the brisket, if not just add a bit of water...

4) place in oven for about 2 hours or more until brisket is tender

5) after about 1 hour of cooking add the potatoes

Seth's notes:
If the sauce at the end is not as thick as you like it just reduce it....personally I always do that and its super.

When done slice and serve and enjoy.......I like it over a good bread that can soak up the gravy....kinda like a hot open sandwich....

Also the brisket should be better the next day...not that its bad the first day just that the flavors become enhanced when it sits in the gravy.


um ...Seth,
it was heavenly.
Thank you!

One Love. One Peace. Always and all ways.


La Table De Nana said...

Bring it on..this one w/ les noodles:) Yum!

Medifast Coupons said...

Very nice brisket recipe, thanks for a great sunday dinner idea.

Kathleen Bade said...

It's a really great dish, I gotta tell ya!!!

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