Tuesday, August 9, 2011

On The Subject of Forward Movement


"You can do no good, make no progress, nor be authentically happy...
until you take care of yourself within. 
Take it from me, I've learned the hard way. 
Life is a continuous, daily journey...a road that has 'no outlet'...
just a lot of forks...and when the right turn is taken..another one follows...
and yet another, and so on. Even with bumps along the way...
it is a great and powerful feeling...knowing the ride out on an open highway, 
can be one of spiritual freedom and ever lasting happiness!

 But ...

It must ...

Begin with you ..."

~ sBf ~

One Love. One Peace. Always and all ways.


La Table De Nana said...

I just sat with a friend..no.. my friend..

and we talked about things like this..her birthday is tomorrow.. and she is wise..

You are right:)

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