Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Emeril Lagasse's Southern Brasied Greens wtih Bacon

Let's face it ...
Slow cooked greens aren't all that photogenic when finished.  
So you're not going to see the end result.  I will tell you, they're fantastic.
So is this recipe.



* 3/4 pound sliced bacon
* 3 cups sliced onions
* 8 cloves garlic, mashed
* 3 teaspoons salt
* 3/4 teaspoon cayenne
* 3/4 teaspoon black pepper
* 1 quart water
* 1 (12-ounce) can beer
* 1/4 cup distilled white vinegar
* 2 tablespoons molasses or cane syrup
* 5 pounds fresh greens, such as mustard greens,
collard greens, turnip greens, or kale, rinsed well,
picked over and tough stems removed


In a large, heavy pot cook the bacon until it has rendered most of its fat, about 5 to 6 minutes.
Add the onions, garlic, salt, cayenne, and black pepper and cook until the onions are wilted, about 4 minutes.
Add 1 quart of water, the beer, vinegar, and molasses and bring to a boil.
Begin adding the greens in batches, pressing down with a wooden spoon
to submerge them in the hot liquid and adding more as they wilt.
When all of the greens have been added, reduce the heat to a simmer and cook the greens,
partially covered and stirring occasionally, for about 1 to 1 1/2 hours or until tender.

One Love. One Peace. Always and all ways.


Donna said...

I giggled when I read "you're not going to see the end result."
I have come across a lot of recipes that sound great then I see the final photo and it's like oh...no...
I did not grow up eating greens and I only recently tried them when my father-in-law served them as a dinner side. I did like them but have yet make them myself.
Great photo, so sharp and the blue and green together..so fresh. That crisp bacon? Oh, yes please!

just jan said...

lets face it anything with bacon is good, there is something kinda wrong but i'm sure very yummy about putting beer and bacon on greens lmao how can you go wrong with that combination.

Kathleen Bade said...

I know. Right?
They look awful after they're cooked down. Who wants to see that?

The only thing I did differently was I used red onions instead of your standard yellow or white.

It's easy Donna.
And bacon, well ..........bacon is a food group all it's own. : )

Kathleen Bade said...

Exactly Jan, I mean how could this be bad???

just jan said...

ok we all know anything with bacon is good, but there is something just wrong (although very tasty i'm sure) about beer, bacon and greens...one of these things belongs with the other, one of these things just doesn't belong....(yes the sesame street song) it's like my health conscience mind is going NOOOOOOO! but my tummy is going YYYYYESSSS!

Kathleen Bade said...

I hear you.
I do.

I thought noway hosay.

But it works. I'm tellin ya. It works.

[ will not have that song stuck in my head all day ]

Anonymous said...

Hello there tasting this blog was many exciting , posts like this show value whoever reflect this forum.....

Kathleen Bade said...

Thank you so much ...I try to bring something to the table. : )

La Table De Nana said...

All the ingredients sound perfect.. I make rapini w/ a similar rceipe and put it on penne:)

The bacon..:) um..just saw Emeril on a No Reservations episode last night..New Orleans..He was great to his staff:)

Love him..

Kathleen Bade said...

Nana, I have been thinking to you and about you ....

I've been doing that a lot.

Becca said...

Two things-

1: Yum.

2: Is that blue dish the one you won?!

Kathleen Bade said...

Ha! Yes and Yes!!!!!

Kitchen Butterfly said...

Honesty....is great shared. I kow what you mean about heated greens. I love the recipe....I love anything with bacon

Val said...

Oh my gosh, these look so good!!!

Kathleen Bade said...

OH Val they were!!!!

thank you for taking the time to comment.

Kitchen Butterfly .... sighs and says Bacon real slow ....oh yehhh.

The barefoot lifting witch said...

YUMMO!! That looks delicious.
You had me at bacon.

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