Thursday, May 13, 2010

On the Subject of Happiness...

People take different roads seeking fulfillment and happiness. 
Just because they're not on your road doesn't mean they've gotten lost.
~H. Jackson Browne


It's a good road I'm on,


 it's a great one. 

: )

One Love. One Peace. Always and all ways.

One the Subject of Mental Stability...


it's a fragile thing.
The crazy thing is, those who aren't...

think they are.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Where'd the food go?


I haven't posted a recipe in a while.
I'm going to.
Life has been busy, exciting and just
when I think it can't get any better it does.
I really do believe it all comes down to choice,
personal accountability.
We choose what we choose.
There are consequences
for each and every single choice we make.
My life is good because I choose it to be so,
and the decisions I make have
to do with it being good.

On another note:

I see a few of my blogger friends taking a break
from the blog world to enjoy spring blossoms.
Can't wait to see what you've photographed.

Here's to taking a little time to enjoy the flowers!

I'll be back in a week or so.
I have a little garden of my own to grow.

: )


One Love. One Peace. Always and all ways.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Soaring into Spring...

Fall is always my favorite season.
But I cannot deny Spring her favor,
and the feeling of renewal that comes with her.


This Spring brings with her
an appreciation
for all that surrounds me. 
Family, friends and the very best of love. 
This Spring brings with her a fondness 
for what remains constant and 
an eagerness for changes 
that are closer than I dare to imagine,
embracing it all with open arms and an open heart.

Soaring into Spring ...I am.

we're almost there.

One Love. One Peace. Always and all ways.

Monday, May 3, 2010

On the subject of forward movement...

Life is a series of natural and spontaneous changes. 
Don't resist them - that only creates sorrow. 
Let reality be reality. 
Let things flow naturally forward in whatever way they like. 
~ Lao Tzu 


I like very much the flow of life...
and love.

One Love One Peace. Always and all ways.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

My Old Kentucky Home...


and there's no place like home.
Home means so much more
than the house you live in.
It's with the heart
that we create the feeling of home.


It's that place where our heart feels the safest.
Home is where love lives.
Anything else is just an empty house.

I'm blessed to have a "home"...

and love.

There are far too many people who don't.

One Love. One Peace. Always and all ways.

One The Subject of Forgiveness...

Forgiveness, as a whole
is not only so you can feel better,


it's so you can BE better.

One Love. One Peace. Always and  all ways.

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