Thursday, June 13, 2013
Hannah ...
I thought it was time I gave my story with Hannah it's own page.
We are over on facebook, and active there, but not everyone is FB friendly.
Autistic Imprints
I think you'll enjoy this read.
One Love. One Peace. Always and all ways.
Monday, October 17, 2011
I changed the permissions on my flickr and realized it screwed up the html
for all the others already posted. Changed them back to try to fix it but it didn't work.
So I'm down until I can get this sorted.
Sunday, October 9, 2011
On The Subject of Living
Saturday, October 8, 2011
Peter and Paige
It was an honor to photograph this wedding ...
I gotta thing for Texas .....and
I think it's got a thing for me.
One Love. One Peace. Always and all ways.
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
On the Subject of Integrity
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
And they called it puppy love ...
Isn't that the cutest puppy you ever saw? His name is Boston.
I got to meet him a week or so ago. He's smart too.
Labor day weekend has me otherwise occupied,
in all the best ways, starting tomorrow.
So no posts from me for a little while.
Wishing you all a safe and wonderful holiday weekend~!
One Love. One Peace. All ways and all ways.
Monday, August 29, 2011
On the Subject of Surrender
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
On the Subject of Transformation
One Love. One Peace. Always and all ways.
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
On the Subject of Purpose
One Love. One Peace. Always and all ways.
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Goodnight Moon

Thursday, August 11, 2011
On the Subject of Peace

Wednesday, August 10, 2011
On The Subject of Personal Accountability
One Love. One Peace. Always and all ways.
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
On The Subject of Forward Movement
Monday, August 8, 2011
Martha Graham
Sunday, August 7, 2011
I've been a little ...
Absent from this place
But very present in real time.
Monday, August 1, 2011
Love ...
Friday, July 29, 2011
If I could ...
describe my life with one picture ...
it would be this one.
It's filled with the colors of love,
it's peaceful and calm,
it's purposeful.
Perhaps that's the most important thing.
Having purpose.
I've started a new project.
It's still in the baby stages.
On Facebook, in two short days we're almost to 300.
I think that's a good indication that I'm on to something here.
So to my personal blog ..... I'm sorry if I've neglected you!
One Love. One Peace. Always and all ways.
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
His Great Hope ...
There He was, alone amidst the sweeping waves and stormy Seas of life.
His soul tossing and turning, regretting past mistakes, missed opportunities, and failure.
The Dark Clouds of the abyssmal Sea looked bleak.
He was destined, for sure, to die slowly as He sunk below the water.
It was coming, He knew. The skies were getting darker as the time went by.
He succumbed to the notion of His own demise. He had nothing.
Then, She came....
Right before His eyes, the sky parted in a majestical scene.
A ray of warm sunshine beamed down on His face and gave Him warmth.
It was an odd feeling, having spent what seemed like an eternity
in the cold vastness of an empty abyss. The feeling was queer.
It was a feeling He hadn't felt in a long time, so long that He wanted to be afraid,
wanted to find a dark spot. He got used to the dark. It shielded Him for so long
from the light of his past transgresions. In this light that was blessing Him,
He wondered what to do. What was happening and why was it happening;
He just couldn't understand.
The light had a name. It was Hope. Hope was just there; having always been there.
She was merely blocked out by the Dark Clouds that He had inherited from destiny.
Hope had come in a time where He didn't believe She even existed.
The ilk of the Dark Clouds in His life had tainted Him into believing
that all there was in life was Them. For the Dark Clouds had seared His eyes
with apparent dillusions of the notion that They were all that were there.
Aye those Dark Clouds, with Their overt sense of self-import, tricked Him
into believing that what They were was of the paramount. Hope challenged that.
The Dark Clouds were only a small part of the Sea.
They had Their importance and fuction in life that was equal to all other things great and small.
Hope let Him know that He was important, too.
He was mesmerized by this. Could She be so daft as to think
that He was of any consequence to anyone or anything? Had She not known
that it was in the Kharma that He was to be but a bit of floating debris drifting
in the sea like the waste of a passing ship that was jettisoned overboard,
lest it become a burden to someone?
Had She not been told that His job in life had but one course;
to serve His purpose and be set aside until next time? He HAD served His purpose.
He had done it as best as He could. Apparently, Hope knew nothing of this.
She must not have known about what a failure He had been,
that tool that just didn't quite measure up. He was broken,
like an over-torqued wrench, a bent nail, a bolt stripped of it's fine threads.
Did She not see that He wasn't to be fixed? Not to be saved?
What was Her blindness to the truth? Hadn't the Omniscient Dark Cloud informed Her,
taught Her, or guided Her to the knowing that this is how it was?
Hope saw all. Hope knew all. She was, after all, Hope...
Hope shone on His face and gave a warmth that He was starting to accept.
She was showing Him all the scenery that the Sea had to offer.
He started to take a liken to Her. Hope was there. As long as the Dark Clouds stayed away,
She would be there. Upon their approach, She would then slip back away, He thought.
They were coming again, those Dark Clouds, full of despariaging remarks and subversive mood.
He would be, once again, alone to deal with Them. She would become a memory.
He knew She had a jouney of Her own. For She had a path Herself She'd travel.
He thought it was a one way journey.
But Hope had something in store for Him...
Hope DID have a journey in store. The Great Celestial Being
had created Her to take a journey. To cast light on the faces of others near and afar.
To give them the same strength that He had seen and felt.
She was to envelope the Seas of the other side of the Earth
with that same beauty and sunshine that had been exposed to His.
She had a darker test to complete herself. One in which He wanted
Her to be victorious. She HAD to come back to Him. He needed Her so bad.
The Seas seemed more beautiful when She was around.
Despite the waves that enveloped Him oft times, His only desire was to see
Her when He resurfaced. Hope was all that brought Him fighting
to get to the surface for surely He would've never came up again had
She not been there. He thanked the Great Being for presenting Her to Him at all,
the least of which during His peril. Had He met His fate, He would take solace in
knowing that She even existed. What's more, the Great Being blessed Him with
Her presence at all. For He now knew, He HAD done something right
in His meek existance to accord such a beautiful payback.
But then There was Hope...
Hope was in Her Journey. She had a dark side She had to traverse.
It was of great risk;of great uncertainty. She wanted to see Him.
Among all the waves, He was someone She could appreciate.
He looked at Her and made Her feel wanted, special. It made Her shine brightly
as She spread Her rays of Hope to all who came into view.
She DID want to see Him again, right? She WAS sure?
Would He be there when She returned. Or would Her struggle to success
and subsequent return to His last vestage be for naught? She struggled to come
back and the tought of seeing Him gave Her strength. He gave Her the push
needed to speed around to Him and where She last left Him.
But there was He...
Hope came around the Horizon. He revelled at the sight of Her,
the Hope that He knew. The Dark Clouds and what the mere thought
of what They had done to Him had disappeared. Those sundering waves had subsided.
The Land was in sight. He smiled. He smiled like he had never smiled before.
For He knew....
He knew He had been given...HOPE
Written by S. Rendleman
One Love. One Peace. Always and all ways.
Friday, July 22, 2011
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Postcards From the Fence

Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Trust ...
When someone treats you or speaks to you with disrespect, your body reacts to it.
You know immediately, don't ignore what your body tell is telling you.
Morning musings ...
things are changing in my world.
I can't tell you what they are just yet ...
but I think
they're big ones.
No, I know they are.
New beginnings.
New Journeys.
I've opened the door to some things,
things that are going to be bigger than I imagined.
I don't mean to sound cheesy when I say
I love life, I mean I really love life, all of it.
In the end it's all good. It's a big ole garden full
of flowers, and weeds, and worms and dirt and...
well ... playin in the garden get's messy sometimes.
But some very beautiful things grow there.
It's all good.
Showy Lady Slippers
These flowers are so beautiful.
They only bloom in early summer.
They grow in the ditches on the sides of the road,
the edge of the forest, where it's wet, and mucky.
You get what I'm saying.
One Love. One Peace. Always and all ways.
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Postcards From the Fence
One Love. One Peace. Always and all ways.
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Beautiful Scenery
Your heart baby girl is the most beautiful part of you.
It always has been.
It always will be.
Saturday, July 16, 2011
On The Subject of Clarity
It's hard to tell what it is ...
Clarity requires it.
Life ...
is about seeing the whole picture.
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
May you be at peace ...
I am re-posting this in honor of his memory.
Do me a favor would you?
Hug our daughter for me.
Tell her I love her.
R.I.P. Erik.
One Love. One Peace. Always and all ways.
I think ...
love of God, love of beauty, love of wisdom,
love of another human being, it does not matter which.
It is all one love:
a joyful awareness of dissolving boundaries of our ordinary narrow self,
of being one with the reality beyond, of being made whole.
- Irma Zaleski,
from the essay The Door To Joy
One Love. One Peace. Always and all ways.
Sunday, July 10, 2011
Point made ...
Now back to regularly scheduled blogging.

Thursday, July 7, 2011
I've been busy ....
Will be writing about it very soon.
[thank you !!!]
fishing ...
and camping, four wheeling, and and and ....
Summer is definitely here.
Thursday, June 23, 2011
My wish ...
to have that many
and then some.
are dealing with situations, physically and emotionally,
they never saw coming.
So for all who find themselves in need...
through pain more difficult than you care to admit.
It's my wish you find the clarity you seek.
by those who will lift you up,
that your hearts are filled
and overflowing with joy.
It's my wish that you always feel love's gentle embrace.
Friday, June 17, 2011
Sunday, June 12, 2011
Postcards from the Fence (7)
Saturday, June 11, 2011
J. Anderson
One Love. One Peace. Always and all ways.
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Postcards from the Fence (6)
especially after such a long winter and slow spring.
I never thought I'd say that.
One Love. One Peace. Always and all ways.
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
May The Force Be With You ...
he said to me.
I do believe it is.
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Sharing is caring right?
I know a lot of you bloggers out there take incredible photos.
Smugmug is the place to go.
For website, storage and sales.
I've been with them for quite a while now.
Their staff is quick to help, and well
they do back flips to make sure their customers are happy.
I'm uploading new photos every day!
Be sure to check out the travel section of my portfolio.
And while your at it grab yourself a Smugmug page!
One Love. One Peace. Always and all ways.
Monday, May 30, 2011
Thank You ...
Two words that look so simple and small.
Two words that hold a world of gratitude,
really aren't small at all.
the extended weekend.
One Love. One Peace. Always and all ways.
Sunday, May 29, 2011
Portrait of a Man ...
MY OTHER BLOG and it's an even better read!
You really wanna see my pictures .............. I know u do. click the link, c'mon.
About Me

- Kathleen Bade
- Minnesota, United States
- Photography for me, has always been about telling the story, one I do without words. In any story there is a beginning a middle and an end. There are those rare moments when you get all three in one shot. And you know it when you shoot it. You just do, you can feel it. Then there are stories that demand more. Pieces of the whole. It's a phrase I use often. It's the only way I know how to define my work. They say we are more than the sum of our parts, philosophical speaking I suppose that's true. But...when it comes to telling a story, it has everything to do with the parts. It doesn't matter if it's a wedding, or a lake shot, or a food image. It's still all about the details, and the details are in the details. All I want to do is tell the story. Photographs... say everything I cannot. They not only tell the subjects story, they also tell my own. kathleenbade@copyright2000-2013 All images and content are under copyright and may not be used without my written permission.
Blogs That Feed Me Well...and not just my palate
Chickpea “Tuna” Salad (Vegan)42 minutes ago
Sweet Potato and Chorizo Chowder2 hours ago
Cheesy Sausage Biscuits19 hours ago
Sourdough Starter22 hours ago
Miso Broccoli1 day ago
Coconut Cake1 week ago
Abiola’s Basmati Jollof Rice7 months ago
Birthday Cake Cookies A Recipe For Birthday Parties11 months ago
Chunky Lemon & Pine Nut Salsa2 years ago
Mocha Kuih Lapis3 years ago
Penne Con Fagiolini4 years ago
Lauren's Favorite Tofu5 years ago
O my Soul…5 years ago
Time to Say Goodbye7 years ago
Merry Christmas!7 years ago
lustige bilder advent8 years ago
My Papa’s Pizza8 years ago
Rolos vietnamitas com camarão8 years ago
Crispy Skillet Sweet Potatoes with Thyme9 years ago
Headed to Haven 2015!9 years ago
Juggling Motherhood Chef Style....9 years ago
For You Whose Life Feels So Mundane10 years ago
The man that could part two10 years ago
Patterns, patterns everywhere!11 years ago
Hello.....again.....11 years ago
Facebook Graphics Terms of Use11 years ago
How to get REAL HCG for injections - Worldwide12 years ago
Pepperoni Pizza Bites13 years ago
Stop to find the balance13 years ago
If I were a man…14 years ago
Content14 years ago
Greek Islands: Rhodes14 years ago
Manners14 years ago
Categories...If I must and I suppose I should
- 2010 Northstar Stampede (1)
- 55th Effie Rodeo (1)
- 8 with Kate-AFTER DINNER (1)
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- Bathroom Wall Literature 101 (1)
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- beef (6)
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- Braised Greens (1)
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- Emeril's Original Essence (1)
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- mushrooms (2)
- My Life in Pictures (123)
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- New York (1)
- North Shore (6)
- NYC (7)
- On the Subject of Clarity (1)
- On the Subject of Emotional baggage (1)
- On the subject of Forward Movement (1)
- On The subject of inner voice (1)
- On the subject of Love (1)
- On the Subject of Peace (1)
- On The Subject of Personal Accountability (1)
- On the Subject of Purpose (1)
- on the subject of surrender (1)
- On the Subject of Transformation (1)
- One Hundred Things (1)
- Oregon (2)
- Pasta (3)
- Photo and a Quote (116)
- poetry (1)
- Poladroid (1)
- Pork (2)
- Postcards from the Fence (10)
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- Potatoes (1)
- Respect (1)
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- Rivers Italian (2)
- Robillita (1)
- Robin feeding (1)
- S. Rendlman (1)
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- Salami (1)
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- Savanna (1)
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- Seal Rock (1)
- Seals (1)
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- Yuzen Japanese Restaurant (1)