Tuesday, May 31, 2011


Sharing is caring right?
I know a lot of  you bloggers out there take incredible photos.
Smugmug is the place to go.
For website, storage and sales.

I've been with them for quite a while now.
Their staff is quick to help, and well
they do back flips to make sure their customers are happy.

I'm uploading new photos every day!
Be sure to check out the travel section of my portfolio.
And while your at it grab yourself a Smugmug page!

                                                                                                                                                                                             Oregon 2011

One Love. One Peace. Always and all ways.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Thank You ...

Two words that look so simple and small.
Two words that hold a world of gratitude,
really aren't small at all.

flag eaglea

Too often,
 we see this weekend as just a weekend to play
because of the holiday,  the extra day off,
the extended weekend.

Let us not forget what it's about. 
In remembrance of ... please share.

One Love. One Peace. Always and all ways.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Portrait of a Man ...


I know. I know they look like ....
I so want to run the commentary going on in my head.




The beaches of  Corpus Christie and South Padre Island were filled with them.
To tell you the truth I've never seen them up close, and so many.


Didn't stop me from playing.  Go big or go home, even if goin big sends you home.

One Love. One Peace. Always and all ways.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Postcards from the Fence (5)

and they called it puppy love ...


        seal skamoes!

I'm thinking people should kiss more not less.
The world might be a happier place if they did ...

One Love. One Peace. Always and all ways.

Monday, May 23, 2011

On the Subject of Love


Love is a force more formidable than any other. 
It is invisible - it cannot be seen or measured, 
yet it is powerful enough to transform you in a moment, 
and offer you more joy than any material possession could.

Barbara de Angelis

One Love. One Peace. Always and all ways.

Postcards from the Fence (4)


Happy girl.

One Love. One Peace. Always and all ways.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Ponderings ....


I recently photographed this whale.
I saw the show. I clapped when the whale did
what he was trained to do. I was in awe of
his size and strength.  He was magnificent.
It was humbling.


I saw Dolphins do the same thing.
And I clapped, photographed and cheered as the dolphin performed.
I saw what was called a cove,
hold four or five dolphins. It was an outdoor
tank that was maybe the size of a hockey rink,
(and that's what it looked like)
okay maybe larger, but not even close to the size
of a football field. I was sad as I watched the
dolphins swim in circles. I wondered how deep it was.
They looked sad.  And bored. 

In my head I plotted their escape.
In my head I wondered how I'd feel if I were
held in captivity for the enjoyment of others.

I get that an animal born in captivity knows only the
life he was born into. But does he? Does instinct tell him there's more?
What about the ones who weren't.
The whales and dolphins who know the vastness of the ocean ...

I get the educational aspect. I do. 
But something just doesn't feel right about all of it.

I feel the same way when I leave the zoo.
It's so cool to see these animals I would normally
never get the chance to, but at what cost ...

that's the question I ask myself.

At what cost ...


I think I'll stick to the rides.

One Love. One Peace. Always and all ways.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Postcards from the Fence (3)


Life ...
is what the Dr. Ordered!~
And it's good.
It's damn good.

One Love. One Peace. Always and all ways.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011


I do believe she's FINALLY come to stay.
I knew I'd find her in a southerly way.
And when I did,
Immediately, she apologized for her delay.

You know what's next? SUMMER!


I'm off to find big water, and catch a few fish.
I may be a little scarce,
Warm weather was meant to be enjoyed
and I intend to make the most of it.
Happy days!~

One Love. One Peace. Always and all ways.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Postcards from the Fence (2)


I knew, of course, 
that trees and plants had roots, stems, bark, 
branches and foliage that reached up toward the light. 
But I was coming to realize that the real magician was light itself.

Edward Steichen

One Love. One Peace. Always and all ways.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Taking flight ...

in search of Spring.


She is a little late this year.
Actually she's a lot late.
They're predicting snow today.
Obviously she is lost and needs help.
I'll be back once I've found her.

One Love. One Peace. Always and all ways.

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