that's funny.
I hit the wrong button and it posted a blank entry.
Today I normally sleep until four to catch up from
working double overnights, it's how I cram 40 hours into three days.
I like overnights btw,
so don't take that as a complaint.
It's twelve thirty when
my father calls me on the cell today.
I keep that phone on in case of emergency,
and put the dnd on the regular phone.
his laptop has gone into a coma.
some other time I will explain why
this is truly an emergency, the laptop
in some ways has been a life line for him.
Who am I kidding, if my laptop died...
yeh, I am laptop dependent.
I'm sure there's a meeting for that somewhere.
multiple phone calls after that to and from
different people, I'm still awake.
I'm not a phone person,
anyone who knows me will tell you that.
Love does funny things to a person...
I'm smiling.
I'm not going back to sleep now.
One Love. One Peace. Always and all ways.