Who wants to help?
The surprise trip.
Below has been typical of our conversations this week.
This was tonight's.
Too bad so sad Joshy a girl's gotta do
what a girl's gotta do
to get the 411.
COS I'M GOING NUTS! (in a good way)
I got NOTHIN I tell ya!
Joshy and Kate live convo tonight:
Joshua Anderson: hey there
Kathleen Bade: hey sorry i missed you !
Joshua Anderson: no problem
Kathleen Bade: wasup?
Joshua Anderson: my vacation time was approved so we are good to go
Kathleen Bade: yay!
Joshua Anderson: yep
Kathleen Bade: two more sleeps
Joshua Anderson: exactly right
Kathleen Bade: i get one question per day right?
Joshua Anderson: sure. providing that question isnt where are we going
Kathleen Bade: lol
Kathleen Bade: are we going up to the north shore?
Joshua Anderson: nope
Kathleen Bade: that's truth?
Joshua Anderson: yep
Kathleen Bade: i figured we weren't but i had to rule it out
Joshua Anderson: yeah
Kathleen Bade: however that doesn't rule out duluth
Joshua Anderson: i got clues for you
Kathleen Bade: really?
Joshua Anderson: yep
Kathleen Bade: bring em
Kathleen Bade: i'm ready
Joshua Anderson: baseball
Joshua Anderson: south
Joshua Anderson: relatives
Joshua Anderson: iowa
Joshua Anderson: do you know what all these things have in common?
Kathleen Bade: not yet
Joshua Anderson: i will tell you
Kathleen Bade: good
Joshua Anderson: they have nothing to do with where we are going
Joshua Anderson: that is what they have in common
Kathleen Bade: oh mah gad.
Joshua Anderson: lol
Kathleen Bade: you brat
Joshua Anderson: sorry
Joshua Anderson: i know how much you love baseball
Kathleen Bade: lol
Joshua Anderson: and staying with my relatives would be a blast... not to mention iowa is just, well... its iowa
Kathleen Bade: i kinda figured it was a not
Joshua Anderson: yeah
Joshua Anderson: but it is not south... that is sort of a clue
Joshua Anderson: at least rules out a few things
Kathleen Bade: is duluth south?
Kathleen Bade: of us yes it is
Joshua Anderson: technically perhaps but I would classify that as east
Kathleen Bade: so it doesn't rule out duluth
Joshua Anderson: bemidji may be south or north, but i call it west
Joshua Anderson: duluth is not a rule out
Kathleen Bade: if it weren't duluth you'd give it to me because i'd for sure have no clue where we were going.
Joshua Anderson: wherever it is, twill be fun
Kathleen Bade: HA!
Kathleen Bade: HA! HA! HA!
Joshua Anderson: dont yell at me
Joshua Anderson: typing in all caps
Joshua Anderson: whats so funny?
Kathleen Bade: ITS DULUTH!
Joshua Anderson: you think so?
Kathleen Bade: like i said if it weren't you'd have said so, because then i'd be totally confused.
Kathleen Bade: and duluth does have sushi and you said that was an option
Joshua Anderson: or maybe i want to keep you off track?
Joshua Anderson: think about it
Kathleen Bade: it is near the border of the state
Joshua Anderson: u think u so smart
Kathleen Bade: ffs sushi is probably an option if we make it
Kathleen Bade: you probably did that clue on purpose
Kathleen Bade: the sushi one
Kathleen Bade: to trip me up
Joshua Anderson: mayhaps i did, mayhaps i didnt
Kathleen Bade: i'm thinking
Joshua Anderson: what are you thinking?
Kathleen Bade: no clue
Kathleen Bade: hahahahha
Joshua Anderson: i have been there many times
Joshua Anderson: i will be coming into town tomorrow, alright if i stop in still?
Kathleen Bade: maybe we are going to grand forks
Joshua Anderson: always an exciting town
Kathleen Bade: or theif river falls
Kathleen Bade: i know nothing about it
Kathleen Bade: Ely?
Joshua Anderson: are you just picking towns that are not south?
Kathleen Bade: yes
Kathleen Bade: hahahah
Joshua Anderson: lol
Kathleen Bade: yes
Joshua Anderson: that could take a while, besides you have used your question of the day
Joshua Anderson: you only have one more
Kathleen Bade: tomorrow yes i know
Joshua Anderson: and perhaps i have lied about it all and we are going to the cities
Joshua Anderson: ahahahahahaahah
Kathleen Bade: you promised that answer was truth.
Joshua Anderson: i did, and it was
Kathleen Bade: could be just north of the cities.
Kathleen Bade: not necessarily not south of here.
Joshua Anderson: i suppose it could... but i am not quite that technical
Joshua Anderson: lol
Joshua Anderson: i got ya thinking now
Kathleen Bade: yes but still lost.
Joshua Anderson: ooh... just thought of a clue
Kathleen Bade: do tell
Joshua Anderson: you figure out where we are going before we get there and without me telling you
Kathleen Bade: that's not a clue
Joshua Anderson: if you think really really hard on the trip
Kathleen Bade: you already told me that
Joshua Anderson: did i?
Kathleen Bade: yes, you said you knew exactly where on the road i'd figure it out
Joshua Anderson: my bad, really didnt mean to repeat
Joshua Anderson: sorry
Joshua Anderson: and here i thought i had a good one
Joshua Anderson: dammit
Kathleen Bade: nope
Joshua Anderson: well i am just useless at the clue thing arent i
Kathleen Bade: pretty much
Joshua Anderson: it happes
Joshua Anderson: happens
Kathleen Bade: you have me totally kernfused.
Joshua Anderson: good
Joshua Anderson: im confused too so dont feel bad
Kathleen Bade: no you aren't. you know where we are going.
Joshua Anderson: i suppose i do
Kathleen Bade: I really don't have a clue do i
Joshua Anderson: your piecing together a fair deal considering the horrible clues i give
Kathleen Bade: Thanks bud, for even this part of it....I needed the distraction as much as you needed a roadtrip.
Joshua Anderson: you are most welcome, i am glad you were free to go, and to play this little game
Kathleen Bade: Okay.......shower time for me, and need to make my lunch for tomorrow. You have a good night Joshy.
Joshua Anderson: you too, will talk to you tomorrow
now it can't be too too far, because we leave wed as soon as joshy gets off work.
that would be five thirty-ish and we come back thursday night.
: )